Review of the film “Bloodshot”. A black hole of despondency
Review of the film "Bloodshot". A black hole of despondency
The nineties were a unique time for the comic book industry. Marvel and DC have lost their former influence, and the market was rapidly filled with independent publishers, as a rule, founded by immigrants from the same "big deuce". Some of these companies, for example, Image or Dark Horse, have survived safely to this day, while others have expelled or absorbed. But the Valiant Comics publishing house suffered a different fate: in the 90s it launched several episodes and bent, but in 2012 it was suddenly resurrected and even made a lot of noise among comic book readers. Valiant decided to create its full -fledged universe, with crossovers and global events, just like Marvel or DC. It turned out a fairly large and elaborated world, but instead of the widened Batmen and Hulks there are other, largely unique characters. Only here on the big screen we will not see them soon, because the first film adaptation of Valiant comics was at least mediocre.
Ray Harrison – a brutal warrior who, as befits the hero of the militant, first shoots, and then asks questions. Bad guys die, good ones remain to live, and the beauty is waiting at home-in general, everything is perfect. Until the time, until Harrison is abducted by some villains and kill their wife right before his eyes. After the line reaches Ray, but for him death does not become the ending. The veteran is revived in a secret laboratory and report that it has become an invulnerable super -soldier. Having mastered in a new status, Harrison goes to avenge his beloved, and then ..
Then follows the main, or rather the only plot turn of the film. Only now the creators opened it in the first trailer. However, anyone who read the comic book, and so knows what is the matter, and those who are not familiar with the original source, themselves will guess about everything in the first third – even the minimum has a minimum of consideration. After all "Bloodshot" – Another guest from the past. It is like a lost militant from the beginning of the zero, where Vin Diesel starred in a break between "Three Iksas" And "Chronicles of Riddik". But do not think that the “Bloodshot” is standing on a par with them – oh no. Much more in common he has with some "Electrium". You can well pass through this film for two hours, and after a while accidentally reviewing, thinking that you have not seen him yet – he is so fresh and not memorable.
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Guess how many times per movie Bloodshot appear in its canonical appearance, lit on the poster and in trailers? That's right – one
It is difficult to highlight one specific problem, but most of all other components, perhaps, the script is limping. Not the plot, I emphasize, namely the script. After all, someone will probably defend "Bloodshot" from the perspective of nostalgia. Say, this is an old -school fantastic action movie in the spirit "Universal Soldier" And "Robokop" – There the plots are also simple, but no one complained. Yes, history can be arbitrarily straightforward – it is important how it is served, how the characters are revealed, and what they say to each other. In the same “Robocope” Paul Verkhoven found the place of the hero’s transformation from the car back to a person, and the scaby satire, and phrases that quote thirty years later. There is nothing but exposure in Bloodshot. Each little Malski of the plot of the plot, one of the characters will definitely say aloud, around which most of the dialogs are being built. And okay, when in "Alit" They are trying to tell us about the structure of the unfamiliar world as soon as possible, but in the Blagot, such fertilization is not justified by anything except the desire of the authors at least somehow score the timing. Well, or they just think that the audience has finally degraded.
Когда персонажи не объясняют всё, что зритель и так уже понял, они обмениваются пафосными фразами про долг, свободу выбора и прочие высокие материи. Probably, this should create the illusion that they have characters and motivation, but as a result – neither one nor the other. With Harrison, which, by the way, is never called a Bloodshot, everything is clear. He is a man-gun nucleus-where they launched, there and rushing. But the rest of the characters develop in the same way, or rather move according to some kind of inertia of obscure origin. There is a girl-soldier Katie who sympathizes and helps Ray, because … well … she is kind … probably. And there is a former Marine Dalton, who hates Ray, because he, they say, have to mess with Harrison and clean up after him. But we will never see this – the rationale for the conflict is limited to a couple of phrases. Well, the main antagonist is again an evil Ilon Mask, just like in "Venome" , And he habitually justifies his crimes with philosophy in the spirit of "humanity has lost the way".
Acting game does not particularly draw this. With the wine of a diesel, for twenty years as a demand is small – he sufficiently sternly frowning his eyebrows and resolutely scatter the villains. But sometimes the hero has to grieve or delve into himself, and then the main star rests against the ceiling of his abilities, and the viewer experiences a slight feeling of awkwardness. In principle, only Guy Pierce depicts something bright on the screen from the entire acting, despite the fact that he had almost nothing to work with. Although there is still amazing Toby Kubbell in Casta, the creators spend his talent on an episodic and not particularly necessary character. But a lot of timing is designated by Sam Hevu, who plays the very Marine of Dalton, and this is something incredible. Most of all, he resembles Anton Pampushny from the recent "Coma" – He portrayed the same hysterical, annoying and devoid of charisma Bugay. Yes, they are even like something like something.
But the failures of the actors are usually the guilt of the director, and the Bloodshot this applies primarily. The picture was set by the debutant Dave Wilson, who had never worked with living artists before, but was engaged in gaming symptoms, for example, for the first The Division Or the second The Force Unleashed. And this is felt because individual scenes in the film are just reminiscent of the plot trailers of some shooter. Or rather one scene – a shootout in the tunnel. It is dynamic, in places tense, and a solution with red light allows you to hide the disadvantages of graphics and lack of blood. But this is one working episode for two hours. The rest of the action came out at best incompetent, and sometimes shameful. The graphics looks worse than in the last "Terminator" and even some Russian blockbusters. Yes, $ 45 million is a relatively small budget, but Lee Wonnell managed to remove a The Vic Casino similar topic "Upgrade" nine times less for the amount, and he looked cooler. And the final fight in Dave Wilson's film makes you remember the times of PlayStation 3.
"Bloodshot" – if not the worst, then definitely the most plain adaptation of comics in recent years. This picture will probably fail at the box office and will be forgotten in a month. But the most annoying thing is that she will most likely bury the hope of the cinematic lobe Valiant. Although, if other adaptations were removed with the same neglect, then maybe it is for the better.
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