Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Character Development Guide

Published in the journal the best computer games No. 10/2011

Verdict | Passage

The basis of game mechanics Human Revolution – Biomechanical implants with which our hero is stuffed. All improvements available in the game are already implanted by Adam, but are in a power out – Jensen's brain has not yet recovered from injuries and will not be able to control the number of pieces of iron if they are turned on at a time. Therefore, we will manually connect implants using Program packages "Praxis". According to one such package, Jensen receives with every increase in level – his brain slowly gets used to the new body. But if we want to accelerate the process of getting used to, our services are the network "Prosthesis", where packages are sold at 5,000 loans apiece. In addition, "Praxis" can be found in caches or receive as a reward for some tasks.

Without implants, Jensen does not know how to practically nothing – except to run, shoot and hide behind the shelters by pressing the right mouse button. The players will be taught all this in the first mission – with the exception of one nuance. You can fire because of shelters in two ways-as a familiar method “looked out, aimed, fired”, and blindly-shooting without leaning out. The probability of impressing such a shot is extremely small, except that the enemy is very close to the shelter of Adam.

The bodies of bodily improvement

[[Bullet]] cut around the neck, break your hand, and then cut down in the temple. And let him say thanks for living alive.

For the sake of expanding his capabilities, Jensen needs to improve the mechanical body. All implants are divided into seven large groups, in addition, each implant has its own improvement tree. To turn on the implant itself, you need to spend Two chips "Praxis" , To activate any improvement – one.

Skull modifications

The largest group of implants, which includes, among other things, a pile of devices for hacking electronics. Everything is hacking at all – computer networks, security terminals, control panels and electronic locks. The universal manipulator was not invented back in 2027, what to do.

Hacking is a mini-game. A small oriented graph appears on the screen – the nodes and the ribs connecting them, and each node has its own level. At first, under the control of Jensen is one “home” knot. The task is to move along the ribs from the home knot to the target, capturing all points in the way. From one node you can move simultaneously along several ribs to capture several points at once. The higher the level of the node, the more time it takes to capture and the higher the likelihood that our presence will detect the protection system.

[[Bullet]] wherever this ventilation shaft lead, in it we will definitely not meet the guards.

After activating the protection system from a special node symbolizing the firewall, the computer will begin to advance to our home node – in the same way capturing the nodes connected to the “its” nodes. You can slow down the promotion by strengthening your points – it takes time and distracts the player, but increases their level of protection. If the firewall calculates our home node before we capture the target, the hack will be failed, and the network at best is blocked by thirty seconds. At worst-anxiety will rise and security will begin to look for an unfortunate hacker.

To facilitate the hacking process, Jensen can use viruses – "Nyuki" , which allow you to capture any node instantly and without the risk of detection, as well as "Worms" , For a few seconds stopping the protection system. But these viruses need to be carried with you on the disks, and they take up place.

There are several types of nodes: User folders serve only "transshipment points", storage facilities may contain money or viral programs that Jensen will immediately write down on a disk, Directors with spam Pour a firewall with a mountain of rubbish, slowing its advance, and Access units scatter several increases and decreasing protection between randomly selected nodes.

[[Bullet]] not a single network to resist our hacker implants.

Hack: capture

This implant is active from the very beginning of the game. Initial improvements – Capture of the first level , which will hack electronics of the first level of protection, and Hacking cameras , which will disconnect the cameras by hacking the security terminal.

A tree of improvements of this implant consists of two branches. The first of them contains four improvements – captures the second, third, fourth And fifth levels. Whatever your passage style, it makes sense to activate everything – the ability to open any locked door is worth a lot. Keep in mind that before traveling to Hansh island Adam will not meet the locks above third level , And the castles fifth level will appear only in the last third of the game – starting with Montreal.

[[Bullet]] hacked the security computer and reconfigured a watch turret. After a couple of seconds, our enemies will be surprised to death.

The second branch of improvements includes first Trela ​​management , And then and Robot management , allowing, breaking the security terminal, reprogramming the security turrets and patrol bots, respectively: disconnect them or configure them to the attack on your enemies.

The ability to hack turrets is priceless – they do not stand at good people at the bases, but we will break them bad without a twinge of conscience. A hacked turret gets rid of his former owners in an instant. But the guard bots are rarely useful – there are very few of them. Actually the last improvement of this branch is useful only in Singapore, at the very end of the game.

[[Bullet]] This small but deadly robot is not terrible for us. Jensen reached the security terminal and reprogrammed it.

Hamper analysis unit

The starting improvement Sky Vegas Casino that is given with this implant – Assessment of the possibility of detection. It will allow Jensen to see the chances that the hacking of the knot will be traveled by the protection system, simply by pointing the cursor to the knot. Second improvement ( Data storage analyzer ) will allow you to watch the contents of all storage nodes in the same way.

No matter exactly no, from the first, from the second. If there is time, you will still grab the storage. If not – what difference does it make that it was in it? And the probability of capture is already displayed after clicking on the node.

Hacking: Strengthening

Another implant available from the very beginning. The starting improvement will allow to “strengthen” its nodes to one level, the second – by two, third by three. There is almost no hands or time to strengthen points, so there is no meaning to develop the implant further than the first level.

Hacking: secrecy

Reduces the chances of your detection by the protection system when capturing or strengthening nodes. The initial improvement will reduce the probability of 15%, the second by 30%, the third – by 45%. If the mini-game is difficult, it makes sense to increase secrecy, otherwise and without this implant, everything will be perfectly hacked.

Radar system "Ranger"

Jensen mini-card, issued from the very beginning of the game. At the first level, he reveals enemies, surveillance cameras and robots at a distance up to 25 meters. The second radar level will increase the detection radius up to 50 meters , And, in addition, the radar will begin to sit all doctors , and not only those whom Adam sees or hears. A very useful thing.


A bilateral communication system built into the head. Issued from the very beginning, does not improve, serves for plot negotiations with superiors and colleagues. I must say, Jensen’s communication system is better than the one that the denton will be introduced in a couple of decades-Jay-si infolink will only work for the reception.

Social corrector

Invalious implant for all lovers of dialogue passage. It turns every conversation in the game almost into a separate mini-game.

In disputes with key characters, the corrector will analyze the basic life indicators of the interlocutor and display on the screen A brief characteristic of the personality. It gives hints on what arguments you will crush the character and how to answer them. In addition, it will appear on the screen Polygraph tape , which will note the reaction of the interlocutor to your words. If the strip on the tape crawls up – you rot the right line, if down, your character’s words do not convince.

[[Bullet]] See Adam? And the enemies do not see. And he is.

At the beginning of any conversation, a social corrector will show Adam sensors type of personality – alpha , beta or omega. During the dialogue, these sensors will be periodically highlighted, and it is recommended to look at them. The frequency with which the sensors react does not mean anything – only their values. The sensor, on which all three divisions were completed at least once, indicates the type of personality with one hundred percent probability. In some moments of dialogue, a social corrector will offer Spray pheromones – Then the fate of the dispute will be decided by one remark, and the player will need to choose the right tone of this very replica.Alphas need everything in everything indulge , Reasonable, but conceited beta – Fascin compliments, and omega will break under pressure. The correctly selected tone will instantly complete the dispute in favor of Adam, but the wrong one can end it in the same way in favor of the opponent.

Stressing monitor

The starting improvement of this implant will display a radius on the mini-card, within which the noise you make is heard. Not too useful a thing – as if we ourselves can’t imagine how much he is noisy. Further improvements of secrecy monitor are divided into three branches.

The first of them consists of improvement " Review zone " , after which the cones of the vision of enemies will be displayed on the mini-card. The improvement would be useful if we had not seen without it on a mini-card in which direction the enemies look.

Improving the second branch allows Jensen to see on a mini-card the place where the opponents noticed him for the last time. But again – the opponents and so clearly can be seen where they watched Adam for the last time – they keep this place on the fly and carefully try to surround.

The third branch consists of three improvements called Tags and tracking. Improvement will note three at the first level, at the second-five, on the third-seven targets, the provisions of which will be displayed on the screen and mini-card. Tracking works at a distance of up to one hundred meters. But for the entire game there will be not a single situation where you would have to follow the three, five or seven opponents.

Candidate for the title of the most useless implant in the game.

[[Bullet]] Lieutenant Wagner – pronounced "omega". And now we will shave on it properly.

Modifications of the torso

Health control system "Guards RX"

Issued from the very beginning, it is not subject to further improvement. One of the starting improvements of this system is our health indicator on the screen, and the second is health regeneration. The system will begin to restore Adam's health automatically if he does not receive damage for a few seconds. But this process is depressingly slow – there is nothing to think to recover directly in the battle.

Note: In emergency cases, you can heal by using painkillers or stimulants. They not only restore their health, but can also drive it above the maximum plan.

Energy converter "Sharif-8"

Issued from a start with two initial improvements, each of which is the first in its branch. The left branch opens the basic level of energy , which will give Jensen two cells for storage of bioenergy. Energy level can be improved Three times , Each time, getting an additional energy-block battery. Batteries are spent on activation of implants, and are also discharged in front of the eyes if Adam beats with the current or discharge of Amy.

The right branch begins Basic reloading speed , which can be improved twice. The power unit, in which at least 1% of the charge remained, at the first level of improvement begins to recharge 10 seconds after the end of use and will be charged completely in 30 seconds; on the second – begins to charge after 5 seconds and charges in 25 seconds; on the third – it will begin to charge instantly, it will charge in 20 seconds. The last energy unit remaining at Jensen always retains 1% of the charge and, as a result, is always reloaded. It is impossible to be left without bioenergy in the game.

Note: In order to recharge the fully spent power unit, you need to eat a special nutrient bar (restores one battery), packaging of the bars (two batteries) or the energy can (three).

Implanted respiratory device

In starting configuration will give Adam Immunity to poisonous gases. The two subsequent improvements will increase the maximum duration of the sprint – each will add 2.5 seconds to it. Immunity to suffocated gases is certainly useful, but the additional time of the sprint is not very. Adam is hardly needed to run for more than two seconds.

Typhoon system

Experimental military development, cartridges for which are sold mainly in the "prosthesis" clinics. Requires manual activation. When using it One "battery" and scatter mini-bombs around Adam, striking all living things in a radius of eight meters. At the second level, the bombs will also begin to amaze all not living – that is, robots.

In addition, Typhoon marks the reprisals with bosses, which is valuable even for the most humane jensenes-despite the fact that under normal conditions the button to “kill everyone around” Adam-shpion is completely unnecessarily unnecessarily."

Hand modifications

Cyberprothes of the hand

Issued from the very beginning. In the starting configuration allows Jensen to fight in hand -to -hand combat. For One power unit by pressing the "neutralize" button, Adam will stun the enemy. And by holding the same button – kill. It works, of course, only if the enemy is in the access zone. The main method of silent reprisals during secretive passage.

Moving heavy objects – Very useful improvement. It will not only allow Jensen to throw all kinds of refrigerators and trading machines into enemies, but will also make it possible to look for secret passages, ventilation shafts, sewer hatches and the like. But from piercing walls smaller to no avail – cracked walls that can be pierced, and so perfectly removed by explosives. But the improvement will begin to note walls such as active objects, facilitating the search for hiding places.

[[Bullet]] The gorilla with a machine gun is booking down the ears, but a well -aimed finger on the head will dump it and it.

These two improvements open access to recoil compensation , which at the first level will slam the scatter of automatic weapons, and on the second will remove the return completely. For aggressive players is indispensable.

Improvements carrying capacity moderately useful – they expand the inventory, which will not be superfluous. But they should take them definitely not in the first place.

Note: Initially, Jensen's backpack has eight cells width and seven – in height. Each improvement in carrying capacity will add two more columns to it, that is, fourteen cells. The maximum size of the inventory that can be achieved in the game is 7×14. For comparison: the gun occupies a 2×3 rectangle in it, the machine gun – 2×5, but heavy weapons like a rocket launcher can reach 3×8 sizes.

The stabilizer of the sight

It is necessary in case Jensen will shoot on the run. At the first level, the spread of the bullets from the movement will be able to make the scatter of the movement, and the effect of the run will remove.

Jensen-shooter is useful, but Jensen-Shpion does not need.".

[[Bullet]] The backpack of the main character is far from as great as I would like. Even taking into account that it can be expanded.

Modifications of the legs

Cyberprothes of the leg

As with the hand, installed on Jensen from the start of the game. In the basic configuration only allows you to walk.

Improving jumps will allow Adam to jump into three meters – and it is worth taking it, and first of all. Allows you to grind through low fences, climb into hard -to -reach places, cut off the corners and find many bypass tracks. And here Improving fast running , which will accelerate the sprint, almost useless – not so often we will have to douch.

Improvement Silent run When activating, it will begin to slowly eat the energy of batteries, but take the steps of Jensen completely inaudible. Further improvements of this branch – Silent quick run And silent jumps – Strengthen the effect. Secretive Adams is moderately useful, the fighting does not need at all.

Skin modifications

Camouflage system

When activating, it will begin to quickly eat the energy of the batteries, but it will make Jensen completely invisible (but not inaudible!) both enemies and cameras, robots and laser alarm rays. For secretive passage, it is almost indispensable, since it allows you to cross open spaces right in front of the enemy’s nose, and also go through any protection system simply straight.

At the first level, one power unit is enough for three seconds of camouflage, on the second – on five , On the third – on seven.

Skin shell

Simple and ingenuously reduces the resulting damage. At the first level by 15%, at the second – by 30%, on the third – by 45%. At first glance, the implant is far from the first necessity, if not for one "but". After the second level, a branch will appear in his tree – Protection from Amy , which completely levels the damage received by the hero from the emi-granate and electric discharges. And this is not only to help in passage very much, it will also greatly facilitate the reprisal against some bosses. Jensen is simply obliged to get this improvement on the first journey to the island of Hansha, because already in Montreal he will be awaited by a difficult fight among the bare electric cables.

Back modifications

Icarus system

When falling from a height, it automatically activates the magnetic “pillow”, which will smoothly lower the hero to the ground. A very pleasant thing, almost indispensable for searching for bypass tracks. Often, the bypass ends on the roofs, from which the only way is down.

If you squeeze the attack button in the fall, when landing, Jensen will release the energy of the “pillows” into the ground, stunning and knocking enemies around him. Once or two per game can come in handy.

Reflex accelerator

Allows you to stun or kill two opponents in hand -to -hand combat at once in one "neutralization". Quickly, efficiently, relatively silently, and even as spectacular … At the beginning of the game, opponents are perfectly neutralized and one at a time, but starting with the second third of the paired patrols will become indecent a lot. Here are the lightning-fast reflexes to Jensen and come in handy.

[[Bullet]] Icarus landing system in action. Jensen majestically plans to earth.

Modifications of the eyes


Needs manual activation. While inclusive, it slowly pulls the energy of the batteries, but gives Jensen the opportunity to see enemies through the walls. The radius of vision is not painful, but to see what is happening in the next room, you can. But we don't need anything else. The value for Jensen Shpion is obvious.

But the jumper will also not hurt the warrior. The game has a weapon that allows you to shoot through the walls – however, it will appear closer to the end. Before the second trip to the island of Hansh, even a warlike Adam should activate this implant.

Eye prosthesis

The last of the implants activated without our direct participation. It is thanks to him that Jensen sees all interface sensors, mini-card, tags and sight.

Supplier of flashes Adam will forever make immune to the effects of light -school grenades. A very useful thing, especially considering that light -school grenades will often throw Adam himself.

And here Alarm timer , which analyzes the behavior and reflex movements of opponents, is practically useless. After raising the alarm, he begins to count (and display near the mini-card) time before the enemies stop trembling from each rustle and go into a state of “calm”. Only Adam is not easier from this – if he has a shelter, he will surrender already, and if not, what is the difference to him, how many seconds before the end he was discovered?

[[Bullet]] eavesdropping on the conversations of the guards, you can learn a lot of useful. Or at least interesting.



All weapons in the game can be divided into two large groups: deadly and non -commercial. The weapons of the first group are perfect for open battle, but with secretive passage, it is practically inconsistent – it grinds, blazes and generally attracts attention in every way. Non -lethal weapons, on the contrary, are silent and turn off the enemy from one hit – but all as one is single -shot, and therefore are poorly suitable for fierce shootings.

Nevertheless, even the most avid spy may come in handy for a regular gun, and the attack aircraft can help out an electric shock paralyzer out of a difficult situation. This should be borne in mind, choosing equipment – and it must be selected carefully, since there is not enough space.

Almost every weapon in the game has a set of improvements that can be bought, obtained as a reward or just find in a secluded place. In addition to unique modifications, there are unified Standard weapons improvementsDamage amplifiers , reload accelerators , increased rate of fire And store expanders. If the weapon is compatible with these improvements, they can be applied to it until it stops – until the corresponding indicator rises to the maximum bar.

Non -intimate weapons

[[Bullet]] Having passed this room, Adam is equal in the experiment with at least a night fox of “twelve friends of Oesen”.

All weapons from this group are intended in order to stun the enemy without killing him. But if his comrades find his enemy lying in a disconnect, they will live vividly to his awake state, after which they do not hesitate to raise the alarm and check the place where the unlucky warrior was sent to rest. What is characteristic, enemies are equally easily given to both reinforced and paralyzed by an electric shock or even stunned by a blow to the head.

If Jensen is asked to detain someone or neutralize, it is understood that a person should be stunned, but alive. In extreme cases, we will always have time to finish off an unconscious enemy. In a variety of ways – from the classic "control" in the head to throwing the body from a height.

Paralyzing Pistol (Stun Gun)

Old and at times very kind stunocrine. The radius of action is below the average, the spread is above the roof, but it is guaranteed to turn off any organic target with one hit in any part of the body. You can still jam electronics (cameras, turrets, patrol bots), but only for a short period of time.

This is important: The paralyzer is recharge after each shot, and reloading takes quite a lot of time. This applies to any weapons from the "non -commercial" group, which makes it completely inappropriate in the open confrontation with the group of enemies.

The scope of the electric shocker has nowhere wider. First of all, this is a quiet neutralization of lonely sentries, to which Jensen does not have time or cannot run to the distance of a hand -to -hand attack. In the second – slightly less quiet neutralization of groups of two guards, when the first stunes with a blow to the head, and the second – with a shot in the face. In the third stage, the paralyzer is used in a shootout with a very thick and armored enemy, which is easier to cut down than to kill. Finally, in the fourth -turn with a shocker, it is very convenient to stagger … Bossov, which he, like electronics, disables for a few seconds.

[[Bullet]] hit the enemy with a shot in the head through two walls? Once spit.

But against the technique, the shocker is almost useless – if Adam managed to approach her at the distance of a shot, he will be able to go around and get around. It’s useless to spend charges, they are not enough all the time.

Improvements for paralyzer in nature do not exist. You can’t even put on standard damage amplifiers and reloading accelerators on it. And it’s a pity, the latter would be very useful.

Tranquilizer rifle tranquilizer

In 2052, Jay-si Denton will shoot tranquilizer darts from a small wrist crossbow. But in 2027, progress has not yet reached such heights-and Adam Jensen uses for these purposes the ordinary Pneumatic gun of the PAX-22, the ancestors of which are already euthanized by animals in zoos around the world. The rifle is absolutely silent and very long -range, but it is useless against inorganic goals, and there is no ordinary sight on it – only optical. In addition, her shells fly through Paradol, and their initial acceleration is low – they go down and not at all instantly reach the goals.

The mixture, which is covered with darts, includes not only sleeping pills, but also a powerful anesthetic, thanks to which enemies do not notice hits. And this is good, because in the general case, anesthesia does not act instantly – only a direct hit in a head -off -noted head will force the enemy. Usually, having caught a dart, the target will go for a couple of seconds as if nothing had happened and only then collapse like a jail. This can and should be used – for example, shoot the patrol so that it falls only when it enters the room, disappearing from the field of view of partners.

[[Bullet]] on the right mined passage, on the left of the puddle under voltage. The output is simple – let's go through the top.

Of the standard improvements to the tranquilizer rifle, only reload accelerators. After a couple of such improvements, the pneumatic rifle will begin to recharge faster than the pistol, which means almost machine -gun, by the standards of non -commercial weapons, rate of fire. Especially for a tranquilizer rifle, there is an improvement Tracking the target. To activate it, bring the sight to the enemy and click the action button for a second or two. Improvement will fix the goal, calculate all the necessary amendments – for a pre -break, for the demolition of the dart, to the wind, on the phase of the moon – and draw a point on which you need to aim on the screen so that the dart absorbs directly into the neck of the enemy.


The pulsed energy protection system is a unique weapon that can be characterized as a grenade launcher of non -volatile action. This weapon triggers a small, not visible to the eye, a bunch of energy, which explodes when in contact with the surface. The explosion knocks down and stagger enemies in a decent radius from the place of hit, and the organic goals that are next to the epicenter lose consciousness.

Peps is not suitable for quiet disposal of PEPS – the shot is accompanied by a bright flash, and the explosion of a laser beam is comparable by the volume with an explosion of electromagnetic grenade. But it is very convenient for them to free small rooms and narrow corridors from the guards, where one impulse can send three or fourth to rest at once. True, if at least one of the opponents retains the clarity of consciousness after the shot, we strongly recommend that you immediately grab the other weapon, PEPS reloads indecently for a long time.

It is impossible to improve the impulse system with anything – the equipment is special, what to take from it.

Deadly weapons

[[Bullet]] If we do not deal with the guard before his comrades run up, Jensen's lid.

Here, the choice is much richer, and in Deus Ex, unlike most classic militants, one type of weapon in no way disperses the other. To select a weapon that Jensen will carry in the inventory, it should be on the principle of “which is better for the style of the game”, and not “which is more powerful and impressive”.

Pistol (10mm pistol)

The simplest and most reliable firearm in the game is a ten -one -one -one -one pistol " Zenith ". He is accurate, quite speedy, quickly reloaded and does not take up much space in the inventory. You can also find it anywhere – street bandits, police officers, mercenaries, corporate guards are eagerly using the “Zenites” … Yes, who just does not use.

This is important: If you get into the head of an unprotected pistol, has a tendency to kill with one shot. Hit the head, closed by a helmet or helmet, will not kill the enemy, but health will still spoil his health. This applies to any firearms, except for a plasma rifle.

The first and only advice on using a gun – never part with it. Be your jensen with a hacker or thug, spy or attack aircraft, the gun will not hurt him. Selected at the very beginning, he will faithfully serve before the final credits.

The disadvantages of Zenit have two. First of all, this is a aiming range that is very missing for shootings in open spaces. In the second – low slaughter force, which practically levels the value of the gun when shooting is not in the head.

[[Bullet]] Street dancers staged a party in the transition near the metro. The guys look like drug addicts, but in fact – quite adequate people.

The gun is compatible with standard weapons modifications. You can also attach three special improvements to it. Laser sight significantly reduce the scatter, increase accuracy, and simply make aiming much more convenient. Muffler It will almost completely remove the sound from a shot, which will significantly increase the value of the gun with a secretly style of the game. Finally, Armor -piercing nozzle It is priceless – it will allow Zenit bullets to ignore any armor (helmets, helmets or subcutaneous implants) and kill any target with one shot in the head. Except perhaps the bosses.

Revolver (Revolver)

Extremely killer caliber .357 Magnum, revolver " Diamondbek "Has a low aiming range and the only five-shot drum. This makes him a weapon of the last chance for Jensen-Schurmovik-a weapon that is perfect for shootings at distances up to medium and completely useless for spy actions and subtle sabotage.

Getting a revolver is very simple, but only starting with the second third of the game. Corporate security, mercenaries and some especially rich and reputable bandits often go with Diamondbeks. It is more difficult with cartridges: an abundance of ammunition is waiting closer to the end of the game, and before that you have to only take cartridges from the same owners of revolvers.

Diamondbek supports standard modifications and two unique. This Laser sight And jet cartridges. The explosive cartridges will make the revolver even more killer, its bullets will begin to damage in a small area, and the sound of a shot will become louder.

Machine pistol (Machine pistol)

Nine -Millimeter " Hurricane " – a quick -firing short -barreled machine, which inherited both shortcomings of the gun, and even added an inconsistent returns to them, which is extremely negatively affected by accuracy. Nevertheless, a high pace of shots allows a submachine gun at short distances to turn almost any enemy into a colander-but it is not a fact that it will take only one store.

The “hurricane” is no less than an ordinary gun – it can be found both in street shusher and in elite corporate detachments. In view of this, the cartridges for a submachine gun are lying almost everywhere-in weapons rooms, hiding places, guards. However, they do not shine in a backpack – the amesis of the “hurricane” eats at a speed quite corresponding to its name.

The machine is compatible with all types of standard improvements and has mounts for already familiar to us laser sight And muffler , And also target search systems.

[[Bullet]] It seems that this is for Adam. Well, we just won’t show ourselves to the guys ..

The last improvement will turn a submachine gun into a kind of analogue of the machine from the movie "Fifth Element". Having activated this system, we can forget about accurate aiming-just shoot somewhere towards the enemy so that the system automatically redirects the bullet to the target. The redirect trajectory is displayed on the screen in the form of a bright white ray – or red, if the adjustment of the sight is impossible.

The installation of a target search system will significantly increase the effectiveness of “blind” fire. No need to stick out due to the shelter-just put the weapon barrel and fuse. More cartridges leaves, but Jensen is more with a target.

Automatic (Combat Rifle)

Army assault rifle FR-27 SFR – balanced weapon, leading fire with arrow -shaped opera shells. It has a good aiming range, weak dedication and good slaughter force. For this you have to pay a ridiculous small store of 20 rounds, which always ends at the most inopportune moment.

The machine is perfect for conducting shootouts at medium and above distances. High accuracy when shooting with single shots and short bursts will allow Adam to easily drive darts into the heads of the opponents, as soon as they seem from the shelter. But the FR-27 is not working poorly-in close combat, the opportunity rarely falls to aim, and at random does not lead to a firing to anything good.

Getting FR-27 is not that difficult, but harder than the same gun. This is a high -quality, expensive weapon, and only professionals use it – special forces, mercenaries, corporate security service. In addition, if you decide to make a machine gun with your main weapon, get ready for a constant deficit of cartridges – they are spent, of course, more slowly than the chargas' charges, but also less common.

[[Bullet]] Romanian special forces reached Detroit. Guys broken for an hour cannot break the door. And it is guilty, as always, Jensen.

Like Hurricane, FR-27 is compatible with all types of standard improvements in weapons. Extensors of the store are especially relevant for him, each of which increases the capacity by as many as 10 rounds. Special improvements for a machine gun are the same as for a submachine gun: Laser sight , muffler And Searching system for the target.

After all the improvements, the FR-27 turns into an almost perfect weapon for an open battle with any number of enemies (if only they didn’t fit at point blank range), as well as for a relatively quiet elimination of patrols of two or three people with well-aimed and quiet shots in the head.

[[Bullet]] with a laser sight, the machine becomes a little sniper.

Shotgun (Shotgun)

Six -hot semi -automatic shotgun " Won »Easily blows at point blank enemy almost any degree of booking. And the enemies armed with such shotguns easily demolish the jensen! The shot from the shotgun by the volume is comparable to the shot of the tank, so there is nothing to think about secretive passage with such a colossus.

At short distances "Victor" there is nothing to oppose. But in all other cases, he can be opposed to anything – a high spread and low aiming range contribute to this. “Winness” is just as convenient for stripping small rooms and narrow aisles, how useless in open areas, where its use is justified only if there is a masking implant, which will allow you to get to the enemy at the distance of the shot.

Getting a shotgun is not much more difficult than a submachine gun-“Winness” is widespread both in criminal and human rights media. With cartridges worse: sometimes they will fall into whole boxes, but at some levels do not find fire in the afternoon.

[Bullet]] When David Sharif proposed introducing a social corrector to Jensen, he did not suspect that he would be used against him.

“Winness” supports standard improvements, of which the reloading accelerators and store expanders are most useful. The store extended to the limit will accommodate as many as sixteen rounds – this is usually enough to shoot from any enemy.

There is a unique modification for a shotgun Double shot – “Winel” will begin to shoot with two charges at. Damage will increase titanically, but the store will naturally devastate twice as fast. And if you take into account that it is already small, it is not worth it to include this improvement without much need.

Crossbow (Crossbow)

Sniper crossbow XBOW XH-II shoots on the same principle as a tranquilizer gun – arrows flying in Parabol. Completely silent, accurate and long -range weapons, raising on the spot when hitting the head and capable of sinking enemies to the walls. You have to pay for slaughter force by long reloading and the absence of an ordinary sight – only optics. In general, a typical weapon for a quiet, but hard passage, perfect for the disposal of sentries forever.

It is not so easy to get a crossbow-opponents equipped with such pieces, there is no game in the game. It can either be pimpled during one non -extinguishing mission (a failure at the same time by the side purpose of the mission), or find Belltauer in the port of the corporation in the second half of the game. Closer to the end, the crossbow can be bought from some weapons merchants.

From the fact that the game is not rich in the game, it is easy to draw a completely correct conclusion that the arrows in it are also sparsely. Jensen will come across a dozen crossbow bolts throughout the game. But the situation is partly softened by the fact that arrows can be extracted from killed opponents is another argument in favor of a rare and mark of shooting so that the arrows do not fly away, do not understand where.

You can install the same on the crossbow The system monitoring the target , As for a tranquilizer gun. No more modifications are installed on it.

Sniper rifle

Large -caliber sniper rifle " Sword " – long -range and accurate weapons that delivers death hundreds of meters straight to the head. At short and medium distances, the effectiveness is reduced due to a small store – five rounds are not enough to get involved in a shootout. "Sword" is designed to eliminate opponents before they notice Jensen.

It is not so easy to get a sniper rifle-there is a sniper in the game (mainly among corporate mercenaries), but as opponents they will meet us only two to three times through the entire game. It’s easier with cartridges – this is good at almost all military bases and police sections, and it is spent quite economically.

"Sword" is compatible with standard improvements. You can also adapt to it Laser sight , But there is a nuance. This will hit the optical sight – the bullet will fly to where the Lazer beam indicates, and not where the crossroads of the sight is brought. Given that in the optical aiming mode, the laser beam is not visible, after installing the laser sight, you can safely forget and use the “sword” as a regular rifle.

[Bullet]] So far, the enemies have not even understood that it was. But after a second, a whole ramp of bullets will fall on the shelter of Adam.

Rocket Launcher)

Portable missile installation, designed to destroy turrets and robots, as well as to apply huge damage on a rather big area. As a counterweight of his slaughter, cumbersome, clumsily and takes up a lot of space in the inventory.

Perhaps the only weapon in the game, the shortcomings of which clearly prevail over the advantages. Adam's rocket launcher simply does not need, no matter what style he goes through the game. The installation power is redundant to destroy living opponents, and it is much more reasonable to throw equipment with electromagnetic grenades. In addition, there is so much space for this beauty that there will be enough for two more compact weapons with full ammunition.

If Jensen still decides to carry this shoulder artillery with him, then as a modification on it you can (and you need to) install Thermal guidance system.

Heavy Rifle

Military machine gun M404 caliber 5.56 mm – a heavy weapon with a huge store, the highest rate of fire, long reloading and a terrible spread. But whom this scatter worries, with such and such a density of fire?

Before opening fire, the machine gun spins the trunks for a few seconds. During the shooting, these trunks are heated, and if the temperature becomes critical, the weapon is silent for a while, until the trunks are completely cooled, it is accurately as in the first part Mass Effect. Therefore, it is better to give a weapon to cool in advance, not bringing to overheating.

Starting from the second half of the game, machine guns will come across almost every second mercenary or guard. It is difficult to miss these citizens – machine guns carry foreheads of three -meter growth and four -meter girth. With cartridges worse: there will be a lot of them, and this is the main problem.

[[Bullet]] Supermine carefully tells Adam which side no one awaits him.

The machine gun itself Bandur is important, and the boxes of cartridges for it occupy the rest of the place in the backpack. As soon as Jensen will decide to carry M404 with him, it will meaningfully fill the stopatron store under the eyeballs, and throw the rest of the boxes out of the backpack. Machine gunners come across often, there will be no problems with reloading.

The machine gun supports all standard improvements, and you can also set it up on it internal cooling system , with which the trunks will spin an order of magnitude longer, and Laser sight , which will make an accurate weapon __ even from a machine gun.

Laser rifle (Laser Rifle)

Experimental energy rifle " Saber " – sniper weapons, equipped not by shops, but by batteries. When shot, it generates a continuous laser beam that easily passes through the walls and shelters. Having activated the superverse implant, allowing to look through the walls, Jensen can calmly clean the room without even entering it.

The reverse side of the medal-the laser beam burns batteries at indecent speed, so continuously shoot from the "saber" longer than a second or two-squeezing. There are very few batteries for a laser rifle in the game and it is very difficult to get them – in sufficient quantities they will come across Adam only before the final battle.

And before the final battle, not everyone will drag this rifle. She takes up the places in the inventory, so when the starting supply of batteries is used up, the “Sable” is a straight road to a landfill.

There are no enemies armed with laser rifles in the game, and thank God. But to find this gun is easy – closer to the end, the storyline will lead us into the room, where it will peacefully stand against the wall in the most prominent place.

There is nothing to improve the laser rifle. Yes and where? The weapons are practically perfect, to it would be charges, not improvements ..

Plasma rifle (Plasma Rifle)

By 2052, the design of plasma weapons will undergo significant changes, and for the worse. In 2027, from an automatic plasma rifle " Spear »You can even shoot, and it hurts. It inflicts the average damage over a small area, but it works equally well both in organic matter and technology. Of the shortcomings – not too high rate of fire, a small store and a tendency to overheating, just like a machine gun.

But the most important drawback of the “spear” is that we will get at the very end of the game, when there will be no one to shoot from it. Nevertheless, due to the armor -intelligence, it can significantly facilitate the final battle, so carrying this rifle to the end is a good idea.

If at Jensen at this point, by some miracle, standard weapons modifications are lying in a backpack, even though it means that a plasma rifle is compatible with them. In addition, she, like a machine gun, is compatible with internal cooling system And laser sight.

[[Bullet]] sitting in a relatively safe place, Jensen can study the location of the guards and the routes of the patrol movement.


In addition to small arms, Jensen can use a throwing. Everything is much easier with him – four types of grenades and mines.

This is important: Grenades and mines do not belong to weapons and are equipped regardless of it. The throw of the at the moment of the explosives selected by default is assigned to the button G.

Fragmentation grenades (Frag Grenade) intended to defeat manpower, but on occasion they can be undermined by a thin wall. And the enemies who spotted Jensen in the shelter like to throw such. The grenade fragments of the fragments are low, so you can always have time to run away from the “gift” that has fallen nearby.

Amy Granates (Emp Grenade) come in handy for the destruction of electronics. One such grenade will easily disable any size and degree of booking, burn the camera and turn off the turret. And he temporarily shocking any person who has fallen into the radius of the person with implants – including Jensen himself, if he has not taken care of an implant of shielding from Amy.

Gas grenades (Gas Grenade) Create a cloud of sleepy gas, which in a couple of seconds "disconnects" all those who appeared in the defeat zone. It's a pity, the cloud does not last long – to throw a grenade in a safe place, and then lure enemies there. And in general, this grenade needs to be used carefully – Jensen, who has not taken care of the lung implant, may suffocate in a cloud of gas from his own grenade.

Feet -shiman grenades (Concussion Grenade) For a few seconds they disorient the manpower of the enemy. Perfectly blinds Adam himself – if he does not turn away from the explosion or if his eyes are not covered with the corresponding implant.

Mines In the game, they are made in the inventory Mine preparations (Mine Template) With some grenade. As a result, you will get a mine of the corresponding type, which, a second after the installation, will begin to squeak and blink a friendly one, trying to detect some movement. If he seals, he will immediately explode and explode.

Walking near the min is not slow, but very slowly – for this you need Sit and clamp the "Slow Step" button (by default – ctrl). So Adam can either crawl past the mine, or crawl to her very close to deactivate and take it to himself if desired.

* * *

[Bullet]] The young lady came to the police station to complain about the loss of a neighbor who boasted that he opened a worldwide conspiracy.

_ Remember that both implants and weapons are just working tools. Their set does not determine the style of play, it Determined them. And to get out of any, even the most difficult situation, Jensen will help not so much improvised means as a thoughtful analysis of the situation and a clear planning of their actions. But you feel all this yourself, as soon as you plunge into the world _Deus Ex . Successful and beautiful game!

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